
Victor Ponta seen as President of Romania who can solve veterans’ problems


The National Union of Independence War Veterans considers the current Prime Minister of Romania Victor Ponta is the most suitable candidate for the presidency of Romania, who will manage to solve the social problems faced by the veterans from both sides of the Prut River. In a news conference at IPN, members of the Union said they support Victor Ponta in the November 2 presidential elections of Romania.
Lieutenant-Colonel Mihai Balan said the veterans decided to support namely Victor Ponta because he is the ‘President of the Union’ who will succeed in uniting the veterans from both sides of the Prut so as to deal with the problems experienced by them.

Major Andrei Calcea said that Victor Ponta is a man of deeds, not of words and believes that such a head of state will support all the war veterans, the mothers of soldiers killed in battle, their wives and the former deportees.

Lieutenant-Colonel Victor Alexeev said the Bessarabians must respond with something good to the good things done by Victor Ponta and his team. A series of large-scale projects for Moldova were supported especially by Victor Ponta. Moldova managed to sign the Association Agreement with the EU namely owing to the steps taken by the Government of Romania.

Fourteen candidates are running in the Romanian presidential elections. According to the veterans, the current Prime Minister Victor Ponta will score an overwhelming victory in the elections.