
Victor Juc: There cannot be an apolitical government, any government deals with political activity


Victor Juc, director of the Institute of Legal, Political and Sociological Research, believes that the Chicu Government is a provisional one that has come up as a solution to salvage the situation for the moment. It is not just by chance that a provisional government has been appointed, because it has been set for a period of one year, although the current legislature may last until 2023. The expert argues that it cannot be an apolitical government, because "any government, by definition, deals with political activity, ministers are political figures, and ministries develop and implement policies”. The statements were made during the public debates "Technocratic and minority government as a solution: advantages and risks", organized by the IPN Press Agency and Radio Moldova.

Further, according to Victor Juc, the “technocratic” Government term is absolutely correct, given that it characterizes the ministers. "And here we have a dichotomy - either it is technocratic, or proposed by parties. In this case it was not proposed by the parties, although it is impossible not to have the support of a party. As for the "minority" term, it denotes the support enjoyed by an executive and here the basic problem is that the minority starts with a majority. In order for this government to operate, it initially needs 50 + 1 support in Parliament to be validated. However, the most vulnerable is the government that does not enjoy a formal majority, and another qualifier for it would be a minority government,” he said.

The director of the Institute of Legal, Political and Sociological Research believes that the Chicu Government must continue the good policies that the Sandu Government has started, and if it wants to expand social policies, which is natural for a left-wing executive, then it must identify solutions for the economic growth, for the budget-fiscal collections in order to be able to deliver on the obligations that they assumed. He argues that the current Government does not run great risks at the moment because at least until spring it will be allowed to carry on its activity, if not longer: "There are no institutional risks, but rather in terms of the payment of salaries, for example, in the research-innovation area, where the salaries for December have not been provided, but also for part of November have not been paid, and the Ministry Finance must identify financial sources”.

"I do not know if Moldova will enjoy the same openness at the external level as it did during the Sandu Government," maintains Victor Juc. According to him, western development partners are likely to wait and see what will be the policies of this government. "Probably, in this case, it would be advisable to continue those policies that were agreed on initially between the Government led by Maia Sandu and President Igor Dodon, when Sandu focused on the Western factor while Dodon on the Eastern one. It would be deplorable for the Republic of Moldova if the foreign policy vector of the Republic of Moldova were a game with a zero score, improving relations with one direction and worsening them with the other," stressed Victor Juc.

He thinks that the current Government will continue the implementation of the Association Agreement with the EU, although a new implementation action plan is needed, but at the same time, it will try to expand relations with the Eastern sector, not only with the Russian Federation, but also with Kazakhstan and Belarus. "At the moment there are no risks for the Government and we will have a very close collaboration between the Government and the presidency", says the expert. Furthermore, he believes that in the next five months the civil society will no longer intensely discuss the Chicu Government, only the media will indicate the false steps, if they will occur. "For now, everyone will wait for what actions the government will take and how efficient they will be," said the director of the Institute of Legal, Political and Sociological Research.

The debates "Technocratic and minority government as a solution: advantages and risks" are the 121st edition of the "Development of political culture in public debates", supported by the Hanns Seidel German Foundation.