
Victor Ciobanu: The Kremlin wanted electricity to be turned off on both banks of the Nistru


The Kremlin's basic scenario, by generating the energy crisis in the Transnistrian region, was to ensure the that the electricity was fully turned off on both sides of the Nistru, political pundit Victor Ciobanu stated in IPN’s public debate "Energy crisis in the "Bermuda Triangle". Episode 1: Moscow's position". According to him, this strategy was aimed at destabilizing the Republic of Moldova and putting pressure on the authorities in Chisinau.

"For the Kremlin, it was surprising to see that Chisinau managed to overcome this crisis that was generated artificially. From the beginning, the scenarios written at the Kremlin presumed that the MGRES would cut off the power and power cuts would immediately begin in Chisinau. It is clear that they aimed to cause chaos throughout the Republic of Moldova through the agency of the left bank," said Victor Ciobanu.

The expert noted that the energy crisis in the Transnistrian region was overcome thanks to the support provided by the European Union, at the request of Chisinau. Even under these conditions, the so-called leaders in Tiraspol did not express gratitude to the constitutional authorities for solving this difficult situation.

"The crisis has been overcome. We expected elementary thanks from the self-styled Transnistrian authorities. There was no gratitude expressed to Chisinau. If we look at Krasnoselsky’s briefing, we see that he keeps saying that Russia wanted to provide help from the beginning and that it will continue to do so, that the Transnistrian region guarantees payment for this gas. I can't imagine how Tiraspol can guarantee payment. The Transnistrian region has never paid for anything. The existence of this separatist region has always been based on the non-payment of bills, especially for gas. The subject of free gas will reappear before the elections," pointed out Victor Ciobanu.

The expert warns that Moscow could use the separatist region to influence the results of the parliamentary elections this autumn, but also as a bargaining chip in possible peace talks on the war in Ukraine.

"In the long term, Russia no longer needs the Transnistrian region, but, in the short term, through this region, the autumn elections can be influenced. Also, the Transnistrian region can be used in the context of peace negotiations in Ukraine," explained the expert.