
Veronica Cojocaru: Changes made to legislation refer not to retransmitted TV channels, but to programs


The amendments made to the Broadcasting Code, which will take effect on February 12 this year, do not envision the elimination of TV channels retransmitted on Moldova’s territory. They refer to news, political and feature programs. The Broadcasting Coordination Council (BCC) will monitor the implementation of the law and how this is respected by broadcasters and providers of services, Council member Veronica Cojocaru started in the public debate “Anti-propaganda law”: necessity, advantages and risks”, staged by IPN News Agency and Radio Moldova.

Veronica Cojocaru said the BCC will monitor the implementation of the law in accordance with its duties and adopted a decision by which all the broadcasters were informed about the changes made to the Broadcasting Code. These were requested to notify the Council of their offers of program services and general concepts in accordance with the provisions that take effect on February 12 this year.

“Based on the adopted decision, by which we inform the broadcasters about the made changes, we annexed a new form of the general concept and request them to adjust their general concepts and offers of services to the new norms. We also annexed the list of countries that didn’t ratify the European Convention on Transfrontier Television and it is yet premature to speak about what will happen later,” said the BCC member.

She noted that the Council will analyze the offers of program services and general concepts that will be presented by broadcasters and distributors of services. These can hold negotiations with foreign TV channels. Some of these definitely have international broadcast versions that comply with the national legislation. Thus, the foreign channels transmitted on Moldova’s territory could continue to be transmitted here, but in accordance with the new legal provisions.

Veronica Cojocaru also said that the BCC will later conduct a broader analysis of the way in which the recently adopted changes to the legislation are implemented.

The public debate “Anti-propaganda law”: necessity, advantages and risks” was the 86th installment of the series of debates “Developing political culture by public debates” that are held with support from the Hanns Seidel Foundation of Germany.