
Vernal equinox. Astronomic spring starts


The vernal equinox occurs on March 20, at 11:01 a.m., and it is the time when day and night will have almost the same duration around the world. This astronomical phenomenon marks the beginning of spring in the northern hemisphere, including in the Republic of Moldova, IPN reports.

The vernal equinox occurs when the sun crosses the celestial equator, passing from the southern to the northern hemisphere. The name "equinox" comes from the Latin words "aequus", which means equal and "nox", in translation meaning night. It indicates the equal length of day and night.

Starting today, the days will gradually become longer, and the nights shorter, until the summer solstice on June 21. The phenomenon influences nature, causing plants to bud and migratory birds to return.

In Moldova and other countries, the spring equinox is associated with various folk traditions, which celebrate the renewal of nature and a new agrarian cycle. Also, during this period, the general cleaning of houses and preparations for the hot season begin.

According to popular tradition, the spring equinox represents a time of balance and renewal, both in nature and in the life of communities, marking the transition to a new season full of life and hope.