
Verbal apartment rental agreements have no legal power, lawyer


The apartment rental contracts provide guarantees to both of the parties. The verbal agreements have no legal power. The tenant can be evicted without being paid back the advance. The students that are not from the city and are not entitled to a place in the dormitory should think of this. On the other hand, the owners are not protected from the risk of having their property damaged by the tenants, Info-Prim Neo reports. Lawyer Victor Pantaru says that a written, even nonstandard agreement offers guarantees to both the owner and the tenant. The lease can be drawn up according to article 8 of the Civil Code. If the apartment is rented for a period longer than three years, this fact should be recorded in the Register of Real Estate so that the tenant be the only occupant of the dwelling, the lawyer said. For the lease to be valid, it should be authenticated at the State Tax Inspectorate. “It is in the owner’s interest to pay 5% of the rental and obtain guarantees from the state. This way, the rights of the owners will be protected, including when the lessee damages the property,” Pantaru said. By this contract, the rights of the tenants are also protected. The owner cannot evict the tenant in winter or without paying the money back. Furthermore, the tenants are entitled to a residence visa in the rented dwelling and can force the owner not to pay frequent visits.