Veaceslav Ionita: Economic situation in Moldova is disastrous
The economic situation in Moldova is disastrous, considers economic expert Veaceslav Ionita, who will serve on the new Parliament. Ionita was quoted by Info-Prim Neo as saying that for the second time in the country’s history after the declaration of independence there are released internal loans.
According to the expert, for the first time the Communist government raised an internal loan of 2.2 billion lei in 2002. Afterward, it lent another 1.2 billion lei from the internal stock market. This loan has not been fully repaid yet.
During April-June this year, the Communist government lent about 500 million lei from the domestic stock market, while in July – approximately 300 million lei, Ionita said. He stated that the economic system created by the “clowns from the government” does not enable to collect money to pay the salaries and pensions. Moreover, the government risks owing 4 billion lei to the National Bank by this yearend as the monetary base rose from 23 to 17 billion lei.
Veaceslav Ionita said that the deficit of the pension fund by May this year was 150 million lei. The government obliged the economic entities that had to send the employees on leave owing to the crisis as they cannot pay them salaries to pay taxes on these virtual salaries. The large economic entities were obliged to pay taxes in advance. Ionita considers that the money that will be collected into the social assistance budget until the end of this year will be enough to pay the pensions and salaries only for the last two months of the year. There will be no money to pay the pensions and salaries since January 2010.
“The Communists should keep calm and allow us to take over the government. I’m absolutely sure that we will have financial support from outside so that we could repair what the Communists had destroyed during eight years and overcome the crisis with minimal shocks,” the expert said, adding that the new government will return things to normality by introducing legislative amendments, cutting costs, destroying the vertical of power and empowering the local public authorities with the right to manage the money.
Speaking about other negative consequences of the Communist government, Ionita said that by permanently violating people’s rights, the PCRM created a moribund society “that does not react anymore when the body called Moldova is violated”. The society keeps silent when the economic entities are deprives of their property, is not astounded by the size of corruption, does not become alarmed when its children are beaten or even killed, does not think anymore that the country can return to normality. In this connection, Ionita said that the bureaucrats were also accepted passively by the society and they assumed the role of judges as, for instance, the employees of the State Tax Inspectorate. “Normally, the employees of this Inspectorate identity the violations, but cannot take judicial decisions,” the MP Veaceslav Ionita said.