
Vasili Chirtoca: 95% of problems of Chisinau residents can be solved easily. ELECTIONS 2015


Some 95% of the problems faced by the residents of Chisinau can be solved easily. A website should be created to collect these problems, considers the Party of Communists’ candidate for the post of mayor general of Chisinau municipality Vasili Chirtoca, IPN reports.

In a news conference, the candidate gave as example the website visa.md, through which the Moldovans who settled abroad or live on a temporary basis there solve a number of problems, including those related to the loss of identification papers, and can obtain legal advice. The team of Vasili Chirtoca wants to promote the same mechanism in relation to the problems of the residents of Chisinau.

Vasili Chirtoca said the voters can have confidence in him and in his team because they want to enter the administration of Chisinau to improve the living conditions, not for the purpose of politics. He noted he is concerned about the ecological state and has many ideas how to improve the environment in Chisinau. He also said that he and his team spend millions of lei annually for supporting old people’s homes and also support different development projects and the Boxing Federation. “We urge the children to do sports so as to grow up healthy and powerful,” stated the candidate.

Vasile Chirtoca criticized the current Chisinau administration’s decisions to lease out a local lake and to allow erecting constructions in parks, saying the parks in Chisinau have diminished in area and there are practically no places where to set up tracks for bicyclists.

Ghenadie Botnaru, a candidate for the post of Chisinau councilor on behalf of the Party of Communists, said Vasili Chirtoca’s team knows all the problems faced by the capital city and knows how to deal with them.

Another candidate for the post of municipal councilor Pavel Gutu noted that the problems of Chisinau should start to be solved with an audit at the Chisinau City Hall by reducing the inefficient divisions and optimizing the work of employees.

Candidate for councilor Eduard Musuc, former MP and councilor, said he met and discussed with many mayors, but does not know a better candidate for the mayoralty of Chisinau than Vasili Chirtoca, who managed companies with thousands of employees and made them prosperous.