
Vasile Tarlev: Communists ruin Moldovan producers


The Communists have ruined the Moldovan producers, Vasile Tarlev, who runs for parliament on the Social Democratic Party's (PSD) list, stated at a news conference on July 14. “The interference of the central authorities into the work of the real sector has conducted to a general drop in the demand for the main products, to the unjust appreciation of the national coin, what finally have destroyed the Moldovan producers,” he is quoted by Info-Prim Neo as saying. The former prime minister says he quit because he could not see how the authorities were destroying the Moldovan economy, how “the oligarchs from around the president were stealing from the state's pocket.” “The Social Democratic Party (PSD) comes with an anti-crisis program, which would save the producers. Thus, in order to overcome this crisis, we need to reform and modernize the tax system, to offer loans to producers for periods of 7-10 years, with interests of 3-5%,” the PSD candidate said. “The policy led by the Communists these years has led to damaging the relations with important sales markets. Introducing visas for Romanians hinders the access of the Moldovan goods to the Romanian markets, while the companies from the two countries cannot develop economic relations,” the former premier said. Vasile Tarlev stands for banning the imports of raw materials produced in Moldova, too, and for dropping the taxes on them. At the same conference, Tarlev has criticized the authorities' intention to buy busted Investprivatbank through state-owned Banca de Economii. “The state will have only to lose from this deal, since BEM will have to return the money of Investprivatbank's depositors. The authorities want to prove, in the full swing of the race, that the bankers are bad, but the state is good,” he said. The PSD candidate suggests law-enforcers to punish the officials, who should have foreseen the failure at least a year before.