
Valeriu Lazar: Romania’s adhesion to EU will not affect significantly the commercial tempo with Moldova


Romania’s adhesion to the European Union on 1 January 2007 will not have negative results for the trade between Moldova and this state, conversely once with this event there will be created certain opportunities for businessmen of our country, the ministry of economics and commerce, Valeriu Lazar announced on Thursday, 23 February in the plenary meeting of the parliament, as answer to the question of the deputy Vladimir Filat. Lazar explained that trade regime with Romania will be similar with that with EU. And the new preferential trade regime GSP+ offers free access to EU market for 85% of Moldova’ s export in this direction. In case of Romania, 75% of exported goods by Moldova will be taxed, and for the rest 25% will be equal taxes as for all ca EU member states. Regarding the imports of the neighbour country, about two thirds of goods will have the same trade regime as now. The majority of these goods are mineral waters, an especially petroleum. Lazar highlighted that in these conditions the volume of commercial changes will not affect Romania’s integration in EU and to revise the free exchange agreement between these two states. In the same time the minister mentioned that once Romania adheres to EU, there are created certain opportunities for Moldovan producers, as the practice showed that once you integrate in EU the prices in this country increase. the government underlines now the actions of creating the conditions to value the opportunities, Lazar also noted. Romania is on the 3 place after the volume of commercial exchanges with Moldova.