
Utilization of new licenses for mobile communications to bring benefits


The utilization from November 6 of the new licenses to use radio frequencies in the 800, 900 and 1800 MHz bands, which were issued recently to the three providers of public mobile communications services, will stimulate competition and will bring benefits to the national radiocommunications sector, consumers and society, it was said in a news conference held at the head office of the National Regulatory Agency for Electronic Communications and Information Technology (ANRCETI), IPN reports..

ANRCETI director Grigore Varanita said the licenses were issued with the aim of providing the radiocommunications sector with the resources needed to develop broadband mobile networks and ensure the continuity of GSM mobile voice services (2G). The Agency considers the use of the licenses will lead to the extension of the 4G networks, the development of radiocommunications infrastructure and diminution of the digital discrepancy between villages and towns.

According to Grigore Varanita, the consumers will benefit from better coverage with broadband mobile networks, a higher number of ‘shadow zones’ and a higher level of quality of the services. Asked when the price of services may decrease, the ANRCETI director said this can happen after November 6.

In August, the ANRCETI issued eight licenses to the mobile phone carriers Orange Moldova, Moldcell and Moldtelecom for providing public mobile communications networks and services. The first two providers got by three licenses, while the third – two license. For the eight licenses, the three carriers paid the equivalent of €62.5 million (over 1 billion lei) into the state budget.