
USB to run in July 11 snap parliamentary elections alongside AUR


The political party “Save Bessarabia Union” (USB) will compete in the snap parliamentary elections of July 11 alongside the Alliance for the Union of Romanians (AUR), which was registered in Chisinau. USB president Valeriu Munteanu is sure that AUR will be that political force that will emerge victorious and will help catalyze the unionist processes in the Republic of Moldova. He called on the other unionist forces to realize the importance of this historical moment and to also join AUR.

In a news conference at IPN, Valeriu Munteanu said that regrettably, they didn’t manage to muster a sufficient unionist political force so that the Bessarabian Romanians are represented in Moldova’s Parliament. “We, Save Bessarabia Union, a unionist party of the Republic of Moldova, inside the party and together with mates from the Union Political Movement, considered the most correct and simplest solution. This way, we should offer the citizens of the Republic of Moldova who, in the upcoming elections, want to vote for Bessarabia’s union with Romania, for the direct entry in NATO and the EU, not by agonizing dreams, a strong, pan-Romanian political force that would enter Parliament with a solid group,” said Valeriu Munteanu.

“The statutory and programmatic desiderata of Save Bessarabia Union, which were adopted at the congress of July 2019 – nation, freedom, family and faith – precisely coincide with the four fundamental pillars of AUR – nation, freedom, family and faith, which are actually the clothes of our Romanian nation. These are those pillars that helped our Bessarabians resist during the Russian tsarist occupation and during the Soviet occupation,” stated the politician.

Attending the conference, the president of AUR of the Republic of Moldova Vlad Biletski said USB took a courageous decision. There are many political organizations in Moldova and the unionists are for now divided. This division is due to the absence of unionists in Moldova’s Parliament. This pushes the political class to unnatural alliances that bring thieves to power.

AUR vice leader Daniel-Gheorghe Rusu, Romanian MP, said that every time he comes to Bessarabia, to this Romanian land, he finds the same sincere, niece people who are yet most of the times sad. “They are said, as in Romania, due to the disrespect they have witnessed during 30 years, shown by a political class that does not seem ready to stop lying, stealing, misleading, luring the people and to stop to beg people’s votes once in four years,” stated Daniel-Gheorghe Rusu. He urged the voters in Moldova to make a correct chose. “Dear people, the Romanians are not dispersed. They are united. The Romanians will vote AUR on July 11, while you, those who just want lists and names on lists, will remain simple generals, lonely wolves that will stroll from one place to another as this is what you learned to do. The Romanians will wake up, as they woke up over the Prut, and will prove once again that history does not forgive lie.”

Ciprian Ciubuc, Bessarabian who sits in Romania’s Parliament, noted that AUR is a unionist party that was founded to unite all the Romanians from all the historical territories of Greater Romania, while the union with the Republic of Moldova a is one of the objectives. “There is only one AUR party in the Romanian area, from Timișoara to Tiraspol, and, even if legally we have an AUR registered in Romania and an AUR registered in the Republic of Moldova, we have the same conservative doctrine. We are a pro-European party of the right and have such values as family, faith, nation and freedom, which we have learned from our ancestors,” stated Ciprian Ciubuc.

As of May 14, the candidates for MP can file applications to the CEC.