
U.S. grants Moldova 700 tonnes of seeds to alleviate impact of drought


The United States of America will grant Moldova about 700 tones of seeds worth $350,000 to diminish the impact of drought on the country. Prime Minister Vasile Tarlev was officially informed about this donation by U.S. Ambassador to Chisinau Michael Kirby. The seeds will be distributed by the end of the next week. The Ambassador emphasized that at the moment the US Government examines the possibility of a long-term support for a sustainable agricultural development in Moldova. The American diplomat also mentioned projects in areas of health care and water supply, which are now being prepared and which will be implemented in cooperation with the administration of the North Carolina state. The programs aim at providing necessary medical equipment to the primary medical centres in Moldova, as well as implementing pilot projects for delivering potable water in rural localities. Vasile Tarlev said he hopes that USA will extend the areas of support for Moldova. At the beginning of this week the US Embassy in Chisinau announced about the US Government’s aid, constituting 150 thousand USD for buying the necessary seeds and distributing them to farmers.