
Union Electoral Bloc registered by CEC


The Central Election Commission has registered the Union Electoral Bloc as a contender in the presidential elections of November 1, 2020. This is the first political entity registered by the CEC with such a status, IPN reports.

The Union Electoral Bloc consists of the Liberal Party (PL) led by Dorin Chirtoacă, the National Liberal (PNL) managed by acting president Ion Calmîc, the Romanian People’s Party (PPR) headed by Tatiana Potîng and the Save Bessarabia Union (USB) led by Valeriu Munteanu.

Based on the constitution agreement, there was created the Electoral Bureau of the Union Electoral Bloc. This is formed of 12 members, four of whom are the four co-presidents of the political movement: Dorin Chirtoacă, Ion Calmîc, Tatiana Potîng and Valeriu Munteanu. The co-presidents are empowered to represent the bloc in the relations with the public authorities, including the electoral bodies, and with other private individuals and legal entities. The Political Council was empowered to designate the candidate for President and to withdraw this in accordance with the law.

The CEC also approved the Bloc’s electoral symbol that represents the schematic image of Greater Romania that incorporates the world “UNION”.

The Union Political Movement was created in the middle of this January.