
UNFPA donates protective equipment to “Youth Klinic” network


A consignment of personal protective equipment was today delivered to the personnel of the Network of Youth-Friendly Health Centers “Youth Klinic”. The aid was provided by the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) in Moldova, IPN reports.

The aid consists of 26,000 pairs of gloves, 1,300 face shields, 5,500 gowns, over 150,000 masks and over 23,000 bonnets. This is the largest consignment of protective equipment offered to the “Youth Klinic” network so far in connection with the COVID-19 pandemic.

According to UNFPA Resident Representative in Moldova Nigina Abaszada, during the pandemic the young people and teens face increased stress and anxiety. The teenager girls can be subject to violence, including sexual ones. The HIV-infected young people or those with disabilities have special needs. That’s why the youth-friendly health services, including informing and counseling in mental health, prevention of violence, family planning and contraception, are essential for their life and should remain accessible in any period, especially during public health emergencies.

Marina Golovaci, secretary of state at the Ministry of Health, Labor and Social Protection, said that UNFPA was actively involved in the process of training medical or teaching personnel, took an active part in the designing of informative materials for medical personnel, provided for several times aid, medical equipment and disinfectants. Today the UNFPA comes with a new consignment of humanitarian aid that includes personal protective equipment for the personnel of youth-friendly centers. This equipment will help ensure a safe and friendly environment for the team and beneficiaries of these centers.

Galina Leshko, director of the National Resource Center of Youth-Friendly Health Services “Neovita”, stated the equipment for the specialists involved in the activity of the centers will help to ensure the young people’s access to services that are so necessary during the crisis period. All the 41 centers, in each district, worked during the pandemic. They offered psychological assistance, assistance in family planning, volunteering possibilities.

The consignment to the value of US$40,000 was bought through the agency of the public association AO “Sănătate pentru Tineri” (“Health for the Youth”) with the resources offered by UNFPA as part of the COVID-19 Pandemic UNFPA Global Response Plan.