
Ukraine war treated at roundtable discussion at National Library


Russia’s war against Ukraine was the subject of a roundtable discussion hosted by the National Library. The participants in the event noted that the war issue is topical and remains important for Moldovan society, the country’s citizens being subjected to a hybrid war generated by the Russian Federation, IPN reports.

At the beginning of the meeting, all those attending observed a moment of silence in memory of the Ukrainians killed in war.

National Library director general Elena Pintilei said that Russia’s invasion of Ukraine had changed everything, including the peace of mind and the view on the future. “I believe that every citizen of the Republic of Moldova has been affected, but some probably didn’t understand this tragedy till the end. Since then, together with our library community, we have been involved in several projects and processes to help especially affected librarians from Ukraine. We hired them to work and supported our institutions that hosted citizens of Ukraine during this period as part of other projects. We lend a hand where we could,” stated Elena Pintilei.

Anatol Petrencu, president of “Alexandru Moșanu” Association of Historians of the Republic of Moldova, said that the hybrid war against Moldova has several components and the Russian Federation uses these components to the fullest, whether it is Russian natural gas or disinformation. “Hybrid warfare is seen as a preparation for real war, hot war. It goes to the discouraging of the population in relation to the target state to which these messages are addressed. And this is done not only to discourage citizens in case of war, but also to influence them to vote for particular parties, to make a choice when it comes to public opinion, to a referendum, when particular questions will need to be answered,” noted Anatol Petrencu.

“Romania, the United States and Ukraine are vital countries that can help design a security mechanism that would protect Moldova more than it knows to do and can do it alone. Of course, NATO mechanisms can also be activated at a certain moment if the Republic of Moldova decides to denounce the deceitful, hypocritical and anti-Moldovan course of neutrality,” said Dorin Popescu, president of the Black Sea House Association.

The second volume of the book “Chronicle of a Criminal War”, signed by Doctor Habilitate Valeriu Dulgheru, was launched during the roundtable meeting. “The first volume was launched a year ago. It would have been good to stop at volume No. 1 and there would have been no war, but, unfortunately, another year of cruel war passed and I somehow committed myself to make a chronicle every ten days,” stated the author.

The roundtable discussion was organized on the occasion of two years of the start of the Russian Federation’s invasion of Ukraine.