
Ukraine and Moldova plead for resuming „5+2” negotiations


The Republic of Moldova and Ukraine are for resuming the negotiations concerning the Transnistrian problem in the “5+2” format, saying that this is the only way to solve the Transnistrian conflict. This position was expressed on the 26th of June, Monday, in Chisinau, by the ministers of Foreign Affairs from the two states. Andrei Stratan, the minister of Foreign Affairs and European Integration of the Republic of Moldova, mentioned, during a press conference with his Ukrainian partner Boris Tarasiuk, that the parties are engaged in a dialog regarding the necessity of resuming the negotiations in the “ 5+2” format, with the involvement of the EU and the USA. Referring to the recent declaration of the Romanian president Traian Basescu, according to which “the Republic of Moldova, Russia and Ukraine didn’t want Romania to participate in the negotiations”, Stratan declared that Romania will be able to participate in the process of negotiations in the framework of the EU. Commenting on the referendum from the Transnistrian region, set by the leaders from Tiraspol for September, the head of the Moldovan diplomacy declared that the organization of this referendum will have a doubtful democratic quality. “The authorities from the Republic of Moldova, as well as the European ones declared more than once that this action will be illegal and will not have a political base,” mentioned Stratan. Boris Tarasiuk declared that the position of Ukraine regarding the process of solving the Transnistrian conflict, and also the relationships with the Republic of Moldova, remained, generally speaking, unchanged. The Ukrainian official expressed his hope that the negotiations will be resumed, if not in July, then at least in September. If this will not happen, then the parties who did not contribute to this will be accused of sabotaging the process of solving this conflict. Referring to the declaration of president Basescu, the Ukrainian minister of Foreign Affairs declared that Ukraine was for the participation of Romania to the negotiations process, but other parties opposed this. The two ministers declared also that during the meeting different aspects of international relations and bilateral cooperation were discussed, including the energetic field, the Mission of Border Assistance, Moldovan communities in Ukraine and Ukrainian ones in the Republic of Moldova. The parties appreciated highly the evolution of bilateral relations and set as a strategic goal the enlargement of bilateral Moldovan-Ukrainian collaboration both in the political and commercial and economic fields, including the energetic sector. During the meeting of the Ukrainian official with President Vladimir Voronin, Tarasiuk declared that with the establishment of the new parliamentary coalition and the new Ukrainian Government a change of the present foreign policy is not expected. During the meeting aspects regarding the official visit in the Republic of Moldova of Viktor Iusenko, president of Ukraine, were discussed. The foreign minister of Ukraine had a meeting with the speaker Marian Lupu, during which Tarasiuk declared that it is Ukraine’s duty to help the Republic of Moldova in the process of re-establishing territorial integrity and sovereignty and to contribute to the peaceful solving of the Transnistrian conflict according to the interests of the Republic of Moldova. Tarasiuk also mentioned that Ukraine doesn’t regret and will not renounce to the implementation of the Common Declaration of Moldovan and Ukrainian prime-ministers, even if the new customs regime at the Moldovan- Ukrainian border has caused Ukraine economic losses. During the meeting with Vasile Tarlev, the speakers underlined the necessity of opening passing points of the Moldo – Ukrainian border in joint localities and simplifying the border passing regime for the citizens that live in the trans-border area. In this context, Tarlev requested that the implementation of the bilateral agreement regarding the passing of agricultural products that do not exceed 50 kg without customs declaration to be quicker. Also, the prime –minister expressed his wish for quickening the activities regarding the promotion of the goods on the markets of both states through creating a new transit “green corridor”.