
Two heads of district offices are dismissed


The head of Buiucani district office from Chisinau, Valeriu Nemerenco, and the interim head of Raşcani district office, Veaceslav Pancioha were dismissed from their positions by the Chisinau Municipal Council. The two heads of district offices were not present in the sitting hall. The reason for their dismissal is the fact that not all the apartment blocks are connected to the centralized heating system. Communist councilors and Christian democrats have voted for their dismissal. “Moldova Noastra” Alliance did not cast its vote. Independent councilor Mihai Roşcovan considers that the dismissals are not justified, as the guilt about not connecting the dwelling blocks belongs equally to the heads of associations, cooperatives, as well as to the supplier. According to the councilor, the dismissals of this kind had also happened earlier, at the end of the sitting too, when many councilors are tired and are closer rather to an accounts adjustment than to an objective assessment of the heads of district office’s activity. Christian democratic councilor Vasile Nastase thinks that the dismissals are justified in light of the fact the fact that many families are forced to endure the cold and this is a serious violation. The leader of AMN faction, Pavel Caba considers that what had happened yesterday at the CMC is not something serious. The reports presented by the interim mayor Vasile Ursu and heads of district office show that the situation is not so grave, Caba said. Alleging the same reasons, the other heads and deputy heads of district office has also received CMC’s reprimands, obliging them till November 7 to supply with heat all the apartment blocks that were not connected to the centralized thermal network till now. At the beginning of the week, the interim mayor of the capital has warned all the heads and deputy heads of district offices that they could be dismissed, if they do not show at the Municipal Council’s sitting that they took all the necessary actions for successfully starting the heating season. Vasile Ursu said them: “Do not wonder if someone leaves the Council’s sitting with his personal staff in hands”.