
Two customs officers caught taking bribe


Two more customs officers were arrested while taking a $100 bribe for permission to declare only a part of the imported goods. The employees of the Information Offences Department within the Police Station of district Botanica of the capital surprised the customs inspectors of the External Economic Transactions Section of the Customs Office of Basarabeasca when they were bribed. The man giving the bribe was transporting goods via this cross-border point and gave the money for certain advantages in making the customs documents for a part of the goods imported in the country. Eluding customs duties could have damaged the state with 9,000 lei. Now the customs officers are investigated according to the provisions of the art.324 of the Penal Code of Moldova. If the court finds them guilty for “Passive corruption”, they risk up to 10 years of imprisonment. Since the beginning of this year, the police forces registered 53 cases of bribery. The last case was that of the customs officer of “Hagimus” of the Customs Office of Bender.