
Turkey remains among top destinations preferred by Moldovans this summer season


Turkey remains among Moldovans’ favorite destinations for spending the summer vacation this year. This is mostly due to affordable prices and high-level services. Vacationers with smaller budgets choose the Bulgarian seaside. There are also those who prefer active rest and purchase tours with excursions.

Viorica Zavatin, director of the travel agency Paradis Tur, told IPN that tourists are already starting to get bored of passive rest and, compared to previous years, the demand for tours with excursions is increasing. “We have excursion programs in Italy, Georgia, the Czech Republic. Demand on the market is starting to increase, but passive rest still prevails”. She added that this year tourists, as usual, choose to spend their holidays in Turkey, Crete Island in Greece, and Bulgaria. Newer destinations include Albania, Cyprus, Spain, where there are direct flights. Starting in September, demand also increases for Egypt and Dubai.

“In Turkey, they tried to invest in the development of the territory of hotels that have the necessary infrastructure for a family. They have entertainment for children, water parks, mini-clubs. Different shows and discos are held every day and night”, said Zavatin. Bulgaria has the same benefits, only cheaper deals can be found. In addition, transport costs influence the price, because in Bulgaria you go by bus, while in Turkey by plane. “For 7 nights in a five-star hotel in Turkey, two people will typically spend 900 euros, which includes flight, accommodation, food, insurance, transfer from the airport to the hotel. For Bulgaria, it would cost 500-600 euros in a five-star hotel for two people”, said Viorica Zavatin.
The first factor that Moldovans take into account when deciding where to spend their vacation is the price. The second factor is services. Alina Căuș, director of the Top Tur travel agency, stated that Moldovan tourists prefer the all-inclusive system, which is the best developed in Turkey and in Bulgaria. The most accessible destinations are Bulgaria and Albania. For the month of May or early June, prices start at 200 euros per person. The most expensive are the exotic countries where the price can reach 4000 euros and above.

However, exotic countries are not very popular among Moldovan vacationers, because flight fares are expensive and a visa is also often needed. But there are hot deals as well, when there are two or three days left until the flight. “Tourists can always find different entertainments while resting, regardless of whether it is passive or active rest", said the employee of another travel agency.