The universities of the Republic of Moldova presented their offer for the 2017-2018 academic year. Tuition fees vary from 2,000-3,000 lei to over 30,000 lei, IPN reports.
Those who will choose the State University of Moldova will have to pay 8,000 lei for a year of studies at the Accounting Faulty or the Faculty of Banks and Finance. For the same specialties, tuition for part-time education is 4,000 lei. Studies at the Faculty of Law of the State University are the most expensive ones. Studies on a contract basis in full-time education cost 10,000 lei, while in part-time education 5,000 lei.
Those who will pick the Moldova Free International University will pay 8,500 lei for full-time education and 4,500 lei for part-time education. Those who will decide to study Philosophy, Ethnology or Sociology at this university will pay 4,000 lei for full-time education and 2,500 lei for part-time education.
The young people who want to become dentists will pay tuition of 30,400 lei for a year of studies at the State University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Nicolae Testemitanu”. A contract to study at the Faculty of Medicine costs 28,800 lei a year.
Two languages in full-time education at the Teacher Training University of Moldova “Ion Creanga” can be studied for 6,000 lei a year. The future students of the Faculty of Philology will pay 4,400 lei for full-time education and 3,600 lei for part-time education.
The files to take part in the admission contest can be submitted between July 24 and 31, 2017.