
Transportation of waste from Chisinau to Tânțăreni could be stopped


The contract between the Chisinau City Hall and the Țânțăreni mayor’s office expires and the transportation of waste from the capital city to the waste dump in Țânțăreni could be stopped as of January 1, 2020. The negotiations between the sides do not make headway. The local authorities of Țânțăreni insist that the sum allocated by the municipality should be increased from 6 to 10 million lei and the future contract should be signed for a year only, IPN reports.

In the ordinary meeting of officials of Chisinau services, acting director of the cleanup company “Autosalubritate” Eugeniu Axentiev said the last meeting of the representatives of municipal subdivisions involved only the mayor of Țânțăreni and four of the 11 local councilors. Negotiations could not be held even if the municipality presented all the assumed initiatives, including the projects under implementation.

A new meeting with the mayor was set for December 30. This wants to see the wastewater treatment station in Bubuieci and the equipment purchased for the station that is to be built in Țânțăreni.

According to Eugeniu Axentiev, the stagnation in negotiations will affect the municipality and Țânțăreni village that benefits from bonuses from the municipality.

Deputy mayor of Chisinau Ilie Ceban said a number of attempts to discuss with the local authorities in Țânțăreni were made, but the local councilors who came to the previous meeting weren’t aware of the works performed by the municipality. These didn’t know the situation at the waste dump and used data that were four years old. The discussions are delayed in a move to block things.