
Transnistrian administration will ask for protection from Russia amidst alleged tensions


The seventh congress of the so-called deputies of all levels held in Tiraspol adopted a resolution saying that the Moldovan authorities exert pressure, including economic and social one. The Transnistrian administration will request the Russian Federation to protect the region and will also notify the UN Secretary General, the European Parliament and other international institutions, IPN reports.

The event was presented by the press of the region and by the channels of the Transnistrian administration as being of particular importance. The participants gave speeches saying that the Republic of Moldova exerts pressure on the region. “Socioeconomic pressure is being exerted on Transnistria and this runs counter to the European principles and approaches concerning the protection of human rights and the liberalized trade regime,” reads the resolution adopted at the end.

“The Federation Council and the State Duma of Russia will be requested to implement measures to protect Transnistria given the intensified pressure exerted by Moldova. More than 220,000 Russian citizens live in Transnistria. Russia participates in the peacekeeping mission on the Nistru and is a mediator in the negotiation process,” says the resolution.

At the same time, a request will be made to the UN Secretary General to take into account the rights of the Transnistrian citizens, guaranteed by international norms. Another request will be made to the participants in the “5+2” negotiation format. “We will call on the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe to influence Moldova’s leadership to return to an appropriate dialogue in the process of international negotiations and to ensure conditions for identifying a civilized solution to the conflict.

“The Parliament of the European Union will be requested to make efforts to prevent pressure from the Republic of Moldova and the violation of the rights and freedoms of the Transnistrians.”  

When the event on the left bank of the Nistru was announced, the Bureau for Reintegration Policies in Chisinau said that there was no reason for the situation in the region to deteriorate. Parliament Speaker Igor Grosu assured that there are no dangers of escalation and destabilization of the situation.

Today, the Government’s spokesman Daniel Vodă also commented on this event. “We made it very clear that there are no dangers of escalation and destabilization of the situation in the Transnistrian region of our country. It is another campaign by which they try to hysterize society around this so-called event in Tiraspol. It is an event planned by those from the left bank of the Nistru and by those from the Kremlin. We see no danger of destabilization. We follow very closely and reiterate that the Transnistrian region is aligned with the objective of peace and security. What is happening in Tiraspol is a propaganda event, a show that doesn’t deserve to be broadcast by foreign journalists or to grab the headlines of news bulletins,” stated Daniel Vodă.