
Transboundary cooperation to increase access to work for persons with disabilities


A project to extend access to the labor market for young people with disabilities from Romania and the Republic of Moldova was launched today. The implementers of the project aim to develop specific skills and knowledge for career guidance of persons with disabilities. The EU-funded project “Transboundary Partnership for Inclusive Career Guidance” is implemented by Keystone Moldova and the Romanian Foundation “Alături de Voi” (“Near You”), IPN reports.

According to Keystone Moldova executive director Ludmila Malcoci, over half of the persons with disabilities in the Republic of Moldova do not work and, consequently, the quality of their life is affected. The situation has worsened during the COVID-19 pandemic, when many persons lost their job.

“This project adopts a comprehensive approach to career guidance for persons with disabilities and envisions the strengthening of capacities among students, parents, teachers and at the Employment Agency by training, mentorship and transfer of knowledge and positive practices from our colleagues from Romania, who have richer experience in the field,” Ludmila Malcoci stated in the project presentation event.

During 18 months (from this October), the two partners will have to develop and ensure methodological support for the players involved in the project, in career guidance and mediation on the labor market for persons with disabilities, to stage training seminars, to develop sustainable transboundary partnerships in the given areas.

According to Angela Achiței, president of “Alături de Voi” Foundation, not finding a job, but keeping it is the biggest challenge. When you are a person from a vulnerable group, the challenge is even bigger, but without additional support services in the socio-professional insertion, the risk of failure is great. “We learned this in time, from our experience in the socio-professional insertion of 150 young people in difficulty, who were employed at our foundation and elsewhere. We are glad that by this project, we will transpose our practical experience to a system experience and, together with Keystone Moldova, will contribute to developing the human capital in this field,” she stated.

Keystone Moldova will carry out a sociologic study of the policies and practices of career guidance for persons with disabilities from the Republic of Moldova and will formulate recommendations for national key players for developing the sector. The project’s partners will have to take action to inform and sensitize public opinion to the need and importance of career guidance for persons with disabilities. About 2,000 people from both countries will take part in formation and informing activities centering on the provision of career orientation services for persons with disabilities.

The budget of the project is over €370,000, 90% of which (€333,000) is the European Union’s contribution, while 10% is the partners’ contribution. The budget allocation for Keystone Human Services International Moldova is of over €223,000, while for “Alături de Voi” Foundation of Romania is of more than €146,000.