
Traian Vasilcău has brought together his friends at the National Library


Poet, lyricist, writer, essayist and translator Traian Vasilcău, on the occasion of his 50th birthday, gathered his friends at the jubilee musical-literary show: "I am so blessed, for I can sing for you". The event took place on Tuesday, October 22, at the National Library and brought together writers, singers and relatives of the author, IPN reports.

Traian Vasilcău says that the show is a gift made to all those who are enamoured of poetry and music. "God has been so generous to me and I want to offer his gift to everyone else. I invited them to rejoice, to let in the light. God gave me the gift of singing and I cannot keep it inside, otherwise it will die,” said Traian Vasilcău.

Traian Vasilcă also states that the leitmotif of the event is: "to live for others, to share the light, not to let poetry and song disappear in the third millennium." At the age of 50 he feels called for, as singers expect him to write lyrics for their songs, also he goes to meetings with the students.

Present at the musical show, Arcadie Suceveanu, chairman of the Writers' Union, has mentioned that Traian Vasilcău is one of the poets who makes a difference in today's literature. For him poetry is a way of life, a professional credo. "Probably he is following the principle of our Latin ancestors: no day without a written line. He is a poet who has a message, his poetry is a continuous journal of his inner voice”, stressed Arcadie Suceveanu.

Traian Vasilcău is known under the pen name of Traianus or Trajanus. He is a winner of 2016 National Prize for Art and Culture.