
Tourist Information Bureau to be created in Moldova


The Tourism Agency suggested stetting up a Tourist Information Bureau with branches in all the important tourist attractions of Moldova. The new entity will have the task of developing domestic and inbound tourism, which is not making progress compared with the outbound tourism, IPN reports.

In an informative note, the Tourism Agency says that by creating the public institution Tourist Information Bureau, Moldova’s visibility as a tourist destination at international level will increase. Those interested in the tourist offers and conditions of travelling in Moldova will be better informed.

There was proposed a nomenclature of services that will be provided by the Tourist Information Bureau for money. It will include 12 basic services. The institution will be responsible for organizing tourism events, conferences, exhibitions, information tours, tourism fairs, etc.

The Bureau will be financed partially with budget allocations and with money collected by the Tourism Agency from providing services, such as printing and selling of promotional materials, organization of tourism events and professional trainings, etc.