
Tourism industry loses to other businesses in a competition


The tourism industry in Moldova has a big development potential. The tourist destinations can provide the people with a source of livelihood. Many economic activities can be developed around tourism if the state also shows interest in developing this sector, alongside the private sector.

Gabriel Mărgineanu, former president of the Tourism Industry Employers Association, said the tourist destinations in Moldova are now probably fewer in number of less developed than those that existed before the country declared its independence. The tourist attractions were mainly represented by vacation resorts that are now fewer in number. On the other hand, the monasteries started to attract tourists. For example, Orheiul Vechi is an attraction that is based primarily on those who live there and want to move things on.

Gabriel Mărgineanu said there is regression as regards the tourist destinations compared with the starting point. Only the festivals staged the past few years still mobilize and improve the situation. There are also the wineries that develop appropriately and sustainably. Even if they play a very important role for the tourism industry, the contribution made by the Folk Music Orchestra “Lăutarii”, the dance ensembles “Joc” and “Codreanca”, the band “Zdob și Zdub” and others is not exploited by those involved.

The tourist attractions in Moldova during the last few years changed insignificantly and rather chaotically. The authority working in the field underwent the largest number of changes. Respectively, said Gabriel Mărgineanu, there was no institution that would have looked at things in the sector as at a whole and would have taken definite steps in this regard. The people developed businesses as they could and as they thought it was better.

Moldova cannot surprise tourists with hotels and restaurants in Chisinau

Vice president of the National Inbound Tourism Association of Moldova Anatolie Botnaru, director of the Eco Resort reserve situated in Butuceni, Orheiul Vechi, said the tourist attractions in Moldova can provide the people with work. These can either open a pension, a café or a workshop for making things intended for tourists. The authorities haven’t yet become involved in developing tourism. The development partners, the private sector made the biggest contribution.

Moldova is the only former Soviet country where there was no tourism industry. There were only several health spas and resorts here. New elements appeared meanwhile, mainly restaurants, but the tourists are interested in traditions and customs. “Culture plays a more important role. The tourists who come to a tourist locality in Moldova, besides eating, also want a cultural experience, want to see the traditions in the country, in villages,” stated Anatolie Botnaru.

He noted that many economic activities can be developed around tourism if everyone assumes responsibility for their part of infrastructure. The state created nothing in Butuceni to develop the tourist attractions. The wooden utility poles are over 50 years old. There is no street lighting. The domestic appliances are used in turn as the electricity infrastructure is outdated.

According to Anatolie Botnaru, Moldova will be unable to surprise the tourists with the hotels and restaurants in Chisinau. The foreign tourists want to learn about rural life. The authorities should restore the VAT of 10% for the hospitality industry. “Concessions are provided everywhere in the world to stimulate the development of tourism. In our country, we should start from zero, with a VAT of 20% and an income tax, as in the case of all the businesses. If the state does not become involved, those small attempts made in the country could fail,” stated Anatolie Botnaru, who runs an agripension.

Some localities earn large revenues from tourism

Viorel Miron, president of the Tourism Development Association of Moldova, said only a part of the Moldovan tourist attractions are visited and only due to their developed infrastructure. There are localities that earn large revenues from tourism as their tourist destinations are visited and because the local authorities cut the local taxes so as to attract tourist serving enterprises to their territory.

Moldova has many facilities that can stimulate the development of tourism, but the managers of these do not implement many projects to make them attractive to visitors. “We have visitors and have attractive sights. We have donors that support this area. But we do not have a liaison between those who run tourist attractions and local entrepreneurs providing hospitality services,” stated Viorel Miron.

In other countries, there are tourist destination management organizations represented by mayor’s offices. Viorel Miron believes this is not possible in Moldova as the tourism industry here loses to other businesses in a competition given the barriers that should be removed and the disorder in this sector.

Most of the tourist attractions in Moldova were institutionalized. “There is no expert institution that can say which of the tourist attractions in Moldova are the most visited ones. In the absence of performance indicators, the presented figures are speculative. The lack of indicators is often replaced by expert opinions that often do not present the reality,” stated Viorel Miron.

Maria Procopciuc, IPN