
To avoid diminution of water resources, forested areas need to be extended


In the Republic of Moldova, the wooded areas represent only 11-13%, according to the data of forestry specialists. This is a very low percentage that influences the diminution of the water resources in the agricultural sector and not only. To avoid risks, the forested areas should be extended.

In a news conference at IPN, Ina Coșeru, head of the National Environmental Center, said that articles, films, features about exploitation, illegal tree felling in the state forest stock managed by Moldsilva Agency have been recently disseminated in the public sphere. “If we look at the legislation concerning the national system of protected areas, we can see that the scientific areas are reserves on paper only and all types of felling works are allowed there. No protected reserve in the country has a management plan,” said the head of the National Environmental Center.

Forestry expert Valeriu Caisîn said the authorities should determine if the exploitation is authorized or not, should identify the problems and suggest solutions. The extension of the national forest stock is the first solution. Regrettably, in most of the cases the efforts to extend the forested areas are financed with international funds as the national authorities do not consider the allocation of resources for afforestation a priority.

Anna Cazacu, legal consultant at the EcoContact Association, said that to manage a forest fund, a forest management plan is worked out for ten years and Moldsilva Agency each year asks for authorization for tree felling works. The authorization is issued by the Environmental Agency for a particular wooded area where trees are to be felled. The procedure for determining the area or tees that are to be cut down should be transparent. The felling works should be monitored and the implementation of the felling plan should be supervised as the monitoring is often absent due to the lack of human resources.

Svetlana Cataraga, former forester, related that in 2017 she was dismissed by the director of the Călărași Forestry Company Ștefan Deleanu, who named his grandchild instead of her. The woman said that illegal felling works are performed in Călărași even if at first sight these seem legal. They cut down ashes and oak trees and leave species that are not in great demand. She was intimidated repeatedly and was told to keep silent. She calls on the law enforcement bodies to take attitude, to investigate the cases and penalize those involved in illegal felling.

The news conference was given in connection of the International Day of Forests that is celebrated on March 21.