
Tiraspol welcomes Chisinau’s decision


The representatives of Tiraspol and the foreign partners welcomed the decision of Chisinau to eliminate the administrative fines imposed on the inhabitants of the Transnistrian region who travel with foreign passports. The issue was discussed in a meeting of the political representatives for the Transnistrian conflict settlement Eugen Carpov and Nina Shtanski in Tiraspol, IPN reports, quoting a communiqué of the Reintegration Office.

Deputy Prime Minister for Reintegration Eugen Carpov said the measure is aimed at reducing the administrative barriers and represents a real contribution of Chisinau to ensuring the free movement of people on both banks of the Nistru. The amendments to the Code of Administrative Offenses providing that the residents of the Transnistrian region who travel using passports issued by other states will no longer be treated in the same way as the foreigners, who are penalized if they violate the regime of stay, took effect last week.

The two officials also discussed the possibility of enabling the inhabitants of Dubasari district to have access to their farmland located beyond the Rybnitsa-Tiraspol road. In this connection, Eugen Carpov underlined the humanitarian and calendar character of this aspect and reiterated the importance of extending the mechanism for ensuring access to this land.

The foreign partners also expressed concern about the situation in the Security Zone and the problems existing within the Joint Control Commission. They urged Chisinau and Tiraspol to intensify the dialogue on these aspects and to refrain from taking unilateral actions.