
Tiraspol lyceum gets new computers from Chisinau authorities, Romanian government


The pupils of Lucian Blaga Lyceum in Tiraspol that provides education in Romanian will use 20 new machines for the computer class. The donation was made by the Chisinau City Hall with financial support from the Romanian government’s Department for Romanians Abroad, Info-Prim Neo reports. According to the Municipality, the computers were offered during a festivity at the City Hall. Mayor Dorin Chirtoaca said that the decision had been adopted in November 2011, when the lyceum marked its 20th anniversary. “The children in Romanian-language schools in Tiraspol don’t forget their identity, despite the harsher conditions. They defend and promote the Romanian language and hope that one day they will be part of the Republic of Moldova again, without any barriers, and then of the whole European family”, declared the mayor of Chisinau. State secretary of the Romanian government Eugen Tomac declared that the representatives of the Department for Romanians Abroad rejoiced at the chance to answer a call from the Chisinau City Hall and help the pupils that study in Romanian in the Transnistrian region. Schoolmaster of Lucian Blaga Lyceum Ion Iovcev thanked the donors. “Here, on the left bank of the Nistru River, we are the ambassadors of the Romanian language and Romanianism, we keep the national values and language”, he said. The 2012 Chisinau Municipality budget provides for 200,000 lei for each school providing education in Romanian in the separatist region.