
Tiraspol cancels “preferential customs regime” for Dubăsari farmers


The administration of the Transnistrian region cancelled the so-called preferential customs regime for farmers from Dubăsari, who own farmland located beyond the Râbnița-Tiraspol road. Thus, the farmers are obliged to pay taxes into the budget of the Transnistrian region, IPN reports.

“Landholders from Moldova of Dubăsari district will pay customs duties into the budget of Transnistria. Customs procedures, such as release for domestic consumption, export, temporary import and re-export will be applied. These provisions apply to individuals and legal entities from Moldova-controlled villages: Doroțcaia, Pârâta, Cosnita, Pohrebea, Cocieri, Molovata Nouă and Vasilievca,” the local press reported.

The so-called initiative to cancel the “preferential customs regime for Dubăsari farmers” was approved by the “Transnistrian government” and is to be adopted by the so-called Supreme Soviet.

In the context of this news item, the local press reminded that the provisions of the new Customs Code of the Republic of Moldova entered into force January 1, 2024. According to these, all economic agents, including those from the Transnistrian region, pay the customs duty according to general principles, taking into account the preferences granted in accordance with international treaties and agreements to which the Republic of Moldova is a party.

The administration in Tiraspol formulated criticisms, saying that the new provisions are unfriendly and will cause losses of tens of millions of dollars to the region.

The new Customs Code that took effect on January 1 eliminated all exemptions from customs duties enjoyed for decades by economic agents from the separatist region of Transnistria. Its provisions create equal treatment of all companies from both banks of the Nistru, given that more than half of the goods produced in the Transnistrian region are sold on the right bank. The implementation of the new Customs Code is one of the main commitments undertaken by the Republic of Moldova together with the obtaining of the EU candidate status.