
Tiraspol announces pension raise


The administration in Tiraspol announced gradual pension raises in the Transnistrian region for this year, IPN learned from the local official news resource novostipmr.com.

In the first stage, to start on February 1, the minimum pension will rise by 8 Transnistrian rubles, or about 7 Moldovan lei. On July 1, it is expected to increase by a further 10 rubles, or 8.5 lei, and as of December 1 by 30 rubles, or 25.5 lei. This means that by the end of the year the minimum pension in the Transnistrian region will be 646 rubles, or about 550 lei.

As in 2013, a monthly supplement of 100 rubles, or 85 lei will be added to the basic pension. An additional 165 rubles, or 140 lei is monthly allocated from the “humanitarian aid” offered by Russia.