
Three regulations on government procurement through M-Tender platform


The Cabinet approved three regulations concerning the government procurement procedures through the online platform M-Tender, IPN reports.

The regulation on the method of keeping the State Register of Government Procurement defines the tasks and duties of the participants in the system and the method of conducting all the procurement procedures. The participants could interact with other state information systems, such as the State Population Register, the State Register of Legal Entities and the Information Systems of the State Tax Service.

The regulation on the accreditation of electronic procurement platforms within the M-Tender platform sets down the rights and obligations of the participants in the accreditation of electronic procurement platforms.

The regulation on the procurement of goods and services by the creation of the price offers is designed to simplify the process of submitting, examining and assessing bids by instituting electronic instruments. The procurement procedures will take place only through the M-Tender platform.

By using the Automated Information System “State Government Procurement Register  M-Tender”, the state saves up to 30% of the logistics costs. The number of bids submitted by business entities increases and the government procurement procedures become swifter.

Currently, 48 state institutions and companies make public purchases through the electric system.