
Three-month confrontation between police and car parked actors sidewalk goes on, but becomes less intense


It is three months since IPN Agency wrote for the first time about a luxury car parked across the sidewalk in the center of Chisinau (see feature report “Public area appropriated and co-existence laws violated. One case in a million, but one as a million), but the story does not yet have a legal ending. However, it started to lose thrill and intensity. Though the driver was fined and paid the fine and removed the chain put up across the sidewalk, he continues to park the car in the same place and in the same way, IPN reports.

After the second article on the topic titled Police during a month didn’t find person who parked car across sidewalkwas published on August 8, 2013, we found out from the press service of the National Patrolling Inspectorate that the driver who parks the car across the sidewalk at 68 A. Mateevici St had the license plate removed, was fined 200 lei and got two penalty points.

Then, the head of the National Patrolling Inspectorate’s press service Diana Fetco said the driver paid the fine during 72 hours. Asked about the subsequent methods of penalizing the driver who continues to park the vehicle in the same place and in the same way, Diana Fetco said the police can impose the same punishment on him. But the situation will change when the driver gets 15 penalty points. At that moment, his case will be sent to court for the man to be deprived of the driver’s license.

Last week, Diana Fetco said that at the repeated request of IPN Agency, a patrolling team travelled to the scene to see if the car was parked there. The vehicle wasn’t there, but IPN’s reporter photographed the car one day earlier in that place. The pictures show that the iron chain is no longer there and the guard booth intended for carabineers, who usually guard embassies, was also taken away. Thus, there is now a little more space for pedestrians on the sidewalk. Contacted by IPN, the Representative Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees in Moldova, in front of whose building the car was parked, said the decision to remove the booth was taken by them as the booth is of no use.