
Three candidates for post of Radio Moldova director


Three persons filed application to take part in the contest to fill the post of director of Radio Moldova company. According to members of the Supervisory Board, these are the editor-in-chief of the Radio News Department Adrian Petcu, interim director of Radio Moldova Veaceslav Gheorghishenko and the former presidential adviser on communication Vlad Turcanu, IPN reports.

The deadline for applications was March 4. The Supervisory Board will have a meeting on Mach 10 to examine applicants’ files. The contest will take place on March 11.

The tenure of the director of Radio Moldova Alexandu Dorogan expired in February 2015. Last year, the Supervisory Board made two attempts to choose the director, but unsuccessfully. The first took place on April 24, while the second on June 5. According to the Supervisory Board members, none of the contenders scored then the necessary number of votes.