
There are four million arguments why free movement in Europe is of historical importance, IPN interview with Vadim Pistrinciuc, deputy chairman of PLDM


- The Moldovans can now travel freely in Europe and this is an accomplishment. Many people who represent the government coalition as well, including the Liberal Democratic Party (PLDM), said this is an event of historical importance. Can you give three arguments why the ordinary people of Moldova should also accept such a fact?

- There are over four million arguments why free movement in Europe is of historical importance – as many as the Moldovan citizens. Each family will only benefit from the liberalized visa regime. Now or in a period. The reunification of families, traveling opportunities, mobility, studies and business for the young people first of all. Mobility is also an economic advantage and, evidently, it will have an economic impact on Moldova. Free trips mean contacts and speed. These are essential things for business and, consequently, for the creation of workplaces.

I would like to also speak about another argument - the feeling of common victory, the national pride. The obtaining of the right to free movement represents recognition of Moldovan people’s merits and of the efforts made by us all. I don’t know if there is something else that unites more than a common victory. Imagine that larger countries from the region and not only have aspired for decades to obtain this right. Moldova, by hard work and wise management, managed to achieve it. Europe said YES to us! Because we are better, freer and make important steps towards the country’s development. This fact unites us all, regardless of the spoken language and the declared nationality. This is a right of everyone and this makes us more powerful. For example, I saw a feature on a TV channel. The first citizen who crossed the border to the west without visa walked 70 km. He was a Russian speaker. Somebody criticized this thing, but I was glad. It is a right that belongs to everyone – Romanians, Moldovans, Ukrainians, Russians – all the Moldovan citizens. 

Besides pride, I saw that all my colleagues from the PLDM experienced a state of peace given by an accomplished mission. For the PLDM, the fulfillment of such an important commitment for the country is a quality that defines it.

- The abolition of the visa requirements is a real step on the path to European integration. The opponents of the power realize this too.  Yesterday, IPN published an interview with the Head of the Parliament of Georgia, who said that the “arguments” used by the opponents of the European integration are in fact universal ones as ‘theirs’ and ‘ours’ use similar notions. “Typically, the opponents of pro-European orientation in all countries are armed with the same “arguments” - as if getting closer to Europe brings corruption, loss of traditional morality and national identity,” said David Usupashvili. What new counterargument can Vadim Pistrinciuc, the PLDM and the opponents of the European integration provide so that the ordinary people realize faster and for good the ultimate truth? There were many arguments and counterarguments until now in this dispute, but the balance hasn’t inclined to one side yet.

I actually do not agree with such a question. It’s not the case of a debate of arguments, but rather the comparison of clear arguments, of a visible reality with propaganda. Not propaganda of any kind, but a complex and prudent one that seems organized in parts. Unfortunately, many of the media outlets forgot what information is. The first propagandistic manipulation in this respect is the fact that the rapprochement with the EU is against somebody. This is wrong. The integration into the EU is a process of modernization and transformation of the country and is not aimed against the relations with the East or with certain countries. We are obliged to explain these things to the people by going from home to home, not only from filming studios and meeting halls. That’s why, on the initiative of the leader of the PLDM Vlad Filat, the party and many pubic figures are carrying out a wide campaign to inform the people in Moldova’s villages and towns.

As to the arguments, they are clear: the association with the EU will have a positive effect on the economy and will generate a growth of 3.2%- 5.4% a year. The new commitment will create preconditions for the appearance of more well-paid jobs; will increase our trade with the EU by 15-16% and will make Moldova more attractive for foreign investors. The EU market is almost ten times larger than that of the Customs Union – over 500 million people, with a GDP of US$17.6 trillion in 2011. Owing to competition, the prices for consumers will decrease by between 2% for drugs and 10% for food products. The GDP will grow by about 6-7%, while the population’s consumption – by 7-8%.

On the other hand, for example in Kazakhstan, the average import taxes almost doubled – from 5.3% to 9.5% - after the country joined the Customs Union, according to the World Bank. Such a situation is convenient for Russia as it protects its producers and exports its machines. These are only several arguments.

For Moldova, the integration into the European Union does not have an alternative. The fact that we want to be closer to the EU does not mean that we want bad relations with Russia or other countries. Moldova’s National Project – the European Integration – means better roads, education of a high quality, a modern health system, jobs, developed businesses, high salaries and pensions.

- What changes did the liberalization of the visa regime bring in the relations between Moldova and the EU?

It is a step forward. We became more European. I remember very well the year 2009, when Vlad Filat made the commitment concerning the liberalization of the visa regime. There were many skeptics then, including in the government coalition. Sincerely speaking, I heard party colleagues saying that this thing will not happen. Then, the party’s chairman had not only the courage and wisdom to make this commitment, but was also able to convince the people that this is an achievable objective. I feel pity for those who today speak about this accomplishment as about something accidental or deriving from the external conjecture. You should ask Prime Minister Leanca, Minister Gherman, Minister Recean how many conditions concerning the security, legislation and the diplomatic service we had to meet. The whole government coalition undertook painful reforms, political struggles and, what is more important, responsibility and efficiency. We showed to everyone that it’s possible, that Moldova is developing.

But we realize that it is only a historical step. We must go on and work hard for Moldova to become a European country. That’s why obtaining the status of EU candidate is the next step. It is a commitment of the PLDM, which was recently invoked by Vlad Filat, Iurie Leanca, Natalia Gherman. It is an assumed objective. We have the team and the ability to achieve it. It won’t be easy, but the PLDM proved that it fulfills its commitments.

- What changes took place or may take place in the same context, in the relations inside the government coalition of Moldova?

- This victory is a victory of the coalition too. It is a victory that makes the government coalition more powerful and responsible in building the European state Moldova.

- Can the relations inside the PLDM influence this new conjuncture, including political? I ask you because I heard public assertions made by analysts, according to which the opponents of the European integration of Moldova will have to destroy the PLDM from inside or outside or to diminish its influence as party promoting the European integration in order to achieve their goals. Is it true? Did they start and do the have chances to succeed?

When you are the first and you are responsible and fulfill commitments, the country develops, the people are freer and we do not have a visa regime. Moldova becomes an attraction point on Europe’s map. It’s clear that there are many enemies that will try to manipulate and to invent so as to thwart the European integration process. We know that some of these black tactics have their roots outside the country and inside it too. Parties that claim they are European or pro-Romania are also involved in such manipulation schemes. It’s clear that these attempts will fail. We went through many things, including the purgatory with prosecutors and cudgels, staged by the Communists, when the PLDM only formed as a party. Where are the Communists today? In the opposition! There were also persons ready to betray. Where are they? Wandering through someone’s pockets. The same will happen to the others. The country’s European future depends on Filat, Leanca and the team of the PLDM. It is a sound conclusion, a reality. That’s why we are very ready for many things. The PLDM is a powerful party by its soul, unity and internal democracy. This scares many people. They should stay calm.

- Do you also refer to the latest accusations made by the Liberal Party head Mihai Ghimpu against the chairman of the PLDM Vlad Filat?

I referred to this too. Today’s statements of Mister Ghimpu are also manipulating and he knows this very well. In fact, these statements pursue one goal – to distract attention from the serious violations committed by the representatives of the Liberal Party (PL) in the municipality of Chisinau. Only during the last few months, through the direct action of the Liberal councilors and the PL’s team from the Chisinau City Hall, damage of about half a billion lei was caused to the state budget and more similar schemes are employed to appropriate land, businesses in the trade sector and advertising, and buildings that form part of the city’s patrimony, transport monopoles,  purchases of oil products (the Audit Office reports show this), etc. This is only a part of the offenses from which they want to divert attention. But the ideological problem is the most serious problem for this party. These offenses were committed in collusion and as a result of the vote together with the Communist faction in the Chisinau Council. It’s hard for them to explain this to their own sympathizers. Furthermore, the city lags behind, there are no strategies as regards the roads and sanitation, there is large-scale corruption. Ask the businessmen how they get an authorization… I feel sorry for Mayor Chirtoaca, for whom I gave my vote. I don’t know who and for what purposes uses him.

The second reason is the traits of character of this party’s leader. Regretfully, the lie is his main instrument. He today also lied when he made accusations concerning the situation in the banking system. Let’s look behind as there are other deceitful manipulations. He frightened us with coalitions, watermelons, but voted together with the Communists in Chisinau. In 2013, he spoke about the failure in the liberalization of the visa regime. But today we benefit form a liberalized regime. Lies were also said about the education reform and about the compromised European future.

Mister Ghimpu must understand that the period of policies based exclusively on lie disappeared when the Communists moved to the opposition. They should not copy their behavior or even share their rhetoric. Sometimes I have the impression that what Mister Ghimpu says is similar to what MP Petcov or the leader of the PCRM Voronin say… Now it’s the time of responsible policies, when the made commitments are fulfilled. 

- What changes can happen in the relations between the government and the population? I probably should not remind you that namely the population will take the decisive decision in this autumn’s parliamentary elections, including as regards the continuation of the European integration process…

Roads of a high quality are now built and the education system is transformed. Schools and kindergartens, hospitals and health centers are rehabilitated. Water supply systems are constructed. This is a start. The gap in the country’s development that we found four years ago when we came to power was enormous. There is yet a lot to be done. Today we have by at least one development project under implementation on every settlement. We must organize yet better and work more efficiently. We must make changes that the people perceive directly.

I would like to give an example – the electronic government. We have a team of talented young people who, during several years, managed to replace many public services with electronic services, such as criminal record, licenses, electronic payments and fiscal reports. The measures are aimed at reducing corruption and bureaucracy. We will continue with such projects. The fight against corruption is very important and should be addresses seriously. We put great hope in the purification process launched in the justice sector. The people’s trust in justice and in the state in general depends on the success of this process. The education reform is a strategic reform and this year we will also make sure that the students do not copy in the Baccalaureate exams. The built kindergartens and the rehabilitee schools are yet other important accomplishments.

The relations between the people and the government after this victory will strengthen even more the necessity of concrete steps and will diminish the importance of poetical rhetoric.

- Can changes occur in the relationship between the government and the opposition?

- I don’t think. We are to launch the election campaign soon. In this campaign Moldova will make a choice not only between parties, but also a choice of civilization. We will decide whether we should go forward or backward. I’m sure the parties that want a European future for Moldova will have a good score in the elections.

- I would like to take this opportunity to check the chances of an idea formulated in an IPN analysis themed “Price of Moldova’s European integration is over US$60 million or even less” that was published on April 22. We had different reactions to this idea according to which the European integration chances will increase considerably if financial resources, not so large in fact, are found to reduce the price of gas for household users.  This solution is needed especially as an argument against a powerful source of Euro-skepticism, but also of antidote to the blows to Moldova coming form inside and outside.

I risk being subjective, but I don’t believe in miraculous solutions that radically change the country and the people’s behavior. The European integration process means assiduous work to transform all the areas of life. Workplaces, education of a high quality, justice, eradicated corruption, good roads, safety, etc. It is a complex process. Energy security is also an important thing. That’s why a number of energy projects started to be implemented in 2010, including to heat public institutions with alternative sources of energy. And we achieved results. More work and responsibility in everything – this is what defines us as Europeans.

Valeriu Vasilică, IPN