
The youth and the old are vulnerable categories in Moldova. Proposals for Government Program


The women, the youth and the old, the persons with disabilities and the Roma are the most vulnerable persons in the Republic of Moldova. These persons face inequalities in accessing public and health services, being also exposed to financial vulnerabilities. To build an inclusive Moldova where the human rights are respected and gender equality is at the forefront, a number of nongovernmental organizations representing vulnerable groups of society formulated proposals for the Government Program 2021-2025.

In a news conference at IPN, Ion Cheleș, chairman of the National Youth Council of Moldova (CNTM), said the phenomenon of discrimination or bullying is still met in education. Insufficient effort is made to eliminate it, while the made effort is not enough to prevent discrimination at school. The students from socially deprived families do not have access to computers, the Internet. This way, they do not have access to education. The young people and students aren’t offered access to the public transport service, especially those from socially disadvantaged families. In schools, at the local level, there is no access to the toilet. Sufficient financing is needed to solve these problems.

He noted that a methodology concerning the NEET (not in employment, education or training) young people was worked out and this should be adopted and implemented. Increased financing is needed to develop programs aimed at the NEET young people. Also, paid internships at state institutions should be backed. The health programs, including those that promote a healthy lifestyle, should be supported so that they also work at the local level. The state should enable the young people with reduced financial possibilities to also have access to the “First House” Program.

Dina Ciubotaru, program coordinator at HelpAge International Moldova, said the older persons in the Republic of Moldova are primarily affected by poverty and things do not change in time. The pension reform wasn’t finished and amendments are needed to make the retirement age for men and women the same. The public pension system should be adjusted so that it is sustainable in time. A flexible retirement scheme should be introduced for older persons so that these can combine work and retirement. The NGO suggests drafting a bill to ensure the social protection of older persons, followed by a strategy concerning social assistance where a chapter will be devoted to older persons.

It is proposed creating a separate section at the Ministry of Health for promoting policies to foster active and healthy aging. According to Dina Ciubotaru, the legislation contains provisions that create barriers and affect the dignity of working older persons, including the possibility for employers to fire employees of retirement age. Such provisions should be eliminated so as to encourage the older persons to continue work. HelpAge internationally promotes the idea of a convention on the rights of older persons under the United Nations. A first step is for the government of Moldova to state its official position on the necessity of a convention of the kind.

Alina Andronache, communication and advocacy specialist at the Center “Partnership for Development”, said the most recent public opinion poll concerning the observance of human rights in Moldova shows the right to health and social security, the labor rights, the procedures rights, the freedom  of expression and information and the right to equality and nondiscrimination are most often violated in Moldova. The social distancing index shows that society in 2020 continued to marginalize a large part of the persons from different groups, such as the Roma and the persons with disabilities. For example, 40% of the respondents would not like a Roma person to be their neighbor.

A document with these and other recommendations and proposals will be submitted to the 101 recently elected MPs.