“The sky in now darkening...,” Ion Hadarca, head of Liberal Party’s parliamentary group. Info-Prim Neo poll from the series “19 years of Independence”
[- What are the greatest accomplishments for Moldova’s Independence achieved during the last year?]
- The country’s course towards European integration stated in Moldova’s Declaration of Independence was rectified after the Communist government modified it. I think the present administration did enough for the country to return to the European values, condemn the past and restore national dignity.
At the same time, steps had been earlier taken to destroy the Declaration of Independence. It was neglected and wasn’t even introduced in the Constitution by the second Parliament. This fact slowed down the processes of renewing and rebuilding the society. A number of objectives concerning the continuous democratization, defense of human rights and reform of the legal system remained unachieved. Influence is still exerted from behind. Europeanization means reaching the required standards and steps should be taken in this respect as well.
[- What main danger has threatened Moldova’s independence this year?]
- The sky is now darkening. The fact that our strategic ally from the East, as the Communists called Russia, started to impose embargoes over insignificant matters contributes to the creation of an artificial tense situation of interference in the internal policy and affairs, including at spiritual level, if we refer to Russian Patriarch’s statement. This is not a real danger, but it can lead to a dangerous situation that would frustrate the course towards European integration.
The PCRM made an attempt to block the Parliament’s work by boycotting the sittings. Earlier in May, the Communists made a similar attempt, when they staged mass protests. But they saw they achieved nothing and gave up.
[- Could you continue the sentence “After 19 years of independence, Moldova is for me ...]
- ... a country recognized by the international community, but that encounters problems inherited from the past. These problems must be solved if we want to become part of the EU as an independent state. We deserve it as we went through 20 years of continuous fight.
[Tatiana Ciobanu, Info-Prim Neo]