The Republic of Moldova could take advantage of the wines – raw material shortage from Ukraine
The Republic of Moldova could take advantage of the deficit of wines – raw material used for the producing of the champaign and sparkling wines, deficit foreseen in Ukraine for this year as a result of a poor grapes crop. The experts state that the exports to Ukraine could be a solution for reducing the negative impact of the Russian ban upon the Moldavian wine. The specialized factories from Odesa, Harkov and Kiev already made public their concern regarding the possible severe deficit.
The Factory from Odessa single foresees an 800 thousand decilitres deficit in 2006 and a similar quantity in 2007. At the same time, the state enterprise “ Champaign Wines Factory from Harkov” announced that in 2007 it intends to import 800 thousand decilitres of raw materials for producing sparkling and champaign wines. For 2007 the enterprise announces a 1 million decilitres deficit.
The administration of the factory from Harkov mentioned already that it plans to import the necessary materials from Moldova.
The factory from Kiev plans to cover the raw-material deficit by importing a quantity of 600 thousand decilitre in 2006 and other 600 thousand decilitres in 2007.
On March 27 this year the Russian Federation, the main export market for the Moldavian Wines, closed its boundaries, and the problem of renewing deliveries has not been yet solved. On Wednesday, April 19, the chair-man of the Wine Exporters Union, Gheorghe Cozub announced there has been made an agreement upon the wine crises, but the final decisions are to be taken by the high officials of the two countries.