
“The Parliament of Independence” to be distributed to schools across Moldova


Parlamentul ‘90 Association signed an agreement offering 1500 copies of “The Parliament of Independence” book to the Ministry of Education. Each school library will be provided with one copy, Info-Prim Neo reports. “The book is valuable, not only monetarily. It was written by people who enjoy the nation’s trust and it’s evaluable due to its quality. Moldovan education has been offered a precious book”, said the Minister of Education, Mihail Sleahtitchi, at the festivity of singing the agreement. The book was published in 2010. According to Pantelei Sandulache, head of Parlamentul ‘90, the idea of the book appeared after the Parliament’s archive was burnt on April 7, 2009. “This tome should be present in all the libraries, lyceums and personal collections”, said Boris Volosatai, principal of Gheorghe Asachi Lyceum. The authors of the book are members of Parlamentul ‘90 Association, deputies of the first Moldovan Parliament, including Pantelei Sandulache, Anatol Taranu, Vlad Darie and others.