
The number of illegal migrants is twice as large as those with a legalised status


They are hardworking, adaptable, trustworthy, motivated, capable to learn the language of the host country at a higher rate and they tend to easily adjust to a new cultural environment. These are the strong points of the Moldovans living or working abroad, according to an International Organisation for Migration (IOM) study presented during the July 10 roundtable, organised by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration in conjuncture with the IOM. According to this report, the weaknesses of migration are related to the uncertainty generated by the illegal status of the majority of Moldovan migrants, the insufficient number or indifference manifested by the diplomatic missions of Moldova abroad, the absence of an Italian Embassy in Chisinau, the use of money exclusively for those family members still in the home country as well as the lack of information resources. The researcher Dr. Raviv Schartz affirms that the link between the Moldovan communities abroad and the Republic of Moldova would become stronger if the Government came to perceive the necessities and worries of these. According to Dr. Raviv, it would be necessary for the Executive body, to conclude agreements, in a bilateral context with the destination countries of Moldovan communities. These should be related to the protection of fundamental rights of immigrants, the legalisation or regulation of their status and protection of their social rights, deciding on a “grace period” during which the migrants could work, while legalising their status. In what concerns the work of the diplomatic missions of Moldovan officials abroad, the Moldovan authorities are advised to take into consideration the demographic distribution of migrants in the destination countries in order to take decisions regarding the distribution of consular personnel, those related to work issues, who have adequate qualifications, to be placed in key-cities in order to lobby for the opening on an Italian embassy in Moldova. Moreover, it is necessary to issue a newspaper for communities abroad. Raviv Schwartz states that an impartial informational campaign is essential in order to encourage Moldovan migrants in exercising their right to vote outside Moldova. At the present time, Moldova negotiates the possibility to sign bilateral agreements regarding the force of labour migrants and social protection of its citizens in all states which are migration destinations for Moldovans, declared the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Valeriu Ostalep. The Deputy Minister stated that there is insufficient coverage, from a diplomatic point of view in these destination countries. According to Ostalep, a Consulate general will open in Bologna in several months. Moreover, there are negotiations regarding the opening of a Consulate general in Istanbul and of an Italian Embassy in Chisinau. According to this study, approximately a quarter of the population capable to work in Moldova is now abroad. The official data indicate that the number of immigrants rose from approximately 100 thousand in 1999 to more than 400 thousand in 2005. 60% of them are now in Russia, 17% - in Italy. Portugal, Spain, and countries like Ukraine, France, Greece, Israel, etc. are some other receiving countries. The data regarding the Moldovan migrants shows that the number of legalised compared to illegal status migrants is double in some countries. The average salary of the migrants in Moldova is of approximately 550 dollars/month. Currently, the Interethnic Affairs Office maintains links with more than 45 organisations which represent Moldovan communities in 20 countries.