
The EC-CoE program for support of democratic reforms in Moldova will be subject to a parliamentary evaluation


The Implementation of the common Program Council of Europe – European Comission for support of democratic reforms in the Republic of Moldova during 2004-2006 will be evaluated by the parliament, with participation of the Moldovan legislative and the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe. According to a press release of the Presidential Press Service, this possibility was discussed during the meeting of the speaker Marian Lupu with the Secretary General of the Council of Europe, Terry Davis. During the meeting, the Parliament chairman referred to the collaboration with the civil society, a process launched on basis of the document approved by the legislative body last year in December. “It is a new experience for us and both sides get used to it as we go”, Marian Lupu added. According to the speaker, the first results of the Parliament’s collaboration with the civil society will be discussed during a national specialized conference that will be organized by the end of this year. The CoE Secretary General, Terry Davis, appreciated the progress of the legislative schedule. “These progress is important not for the CoE, but for the citizens of the Republic of Moldova”, Terry Davis declared. He reassured the support of the Republic of Moldova’s official position in the Transnistrian issue. “Do not hesitate to ask when you need support in the regulation of the Transnistrian issue”, Mr. Davis declared at the end of the meeting. Lupu’s visit to Strasbourg schedule also includes a series of bilateral meetings with officials of the Council of Europe: president PACE Rene Van der Linden, the responsible for RM in the monitoring committee Josette Durrieu and Egidijus Vareikis, president of the Regional Chamber of the Local and Regional Authorities of the CoE Yavuz Mildon, leaders of political groups within PACE, leaders of PACE committees.