
The Dniester and natural ecosystems face many problems, expert


The Dniester river, natural ecosystems as well as society face many problems and challenges. A significant impact is caused by the construction and operation of the Dniester hydropower complex located on the border between Ukraine and the Republic of Moldova, as well as the Dubasari dam, said Ana Jeleapov, the head of the Working Group on the Dniester river basin Planning and Management of the Dniester Commission.

In a news conference at IPN, the expert said the operation of the Dniester hydropower complex (HPC) causes not only hydromorphological, but also hydrological changes. The effect of the fluctuating discharges evacuated from the HPP-2 dam of HPC (hydropeaking) is felt throughout the entire transboundary river section.  In addition, the river sector is also affected by fluctuations of water temperature (termopeaking), caused by the flow evacuated from the bottom part of the main reservoir of the HPC. Thus, the water temperature, in the warm season, is below normal, and in the cold one - it is higher than normal. The effect, caused by HPC, is expressed by limitation of suspended solids flow, which increases the water transparency downstream of the complex. As a result of a large number of turbines operation, the water evacuated to the downstream loses its quality characteristics and becomes, practically, technical water. Those mentioned above cause a significant impact on biodiversity and cause a significant reduction in recreational capacity, as well as other ecosystem services in the Dniester river basin.

Ana Jeleapov noted the ecosystems and their evolution in time and space represent a particular importance for the sustainable development of the river basin. Unfortunately, the share of forests is only 11%, with the largest forests areas located in regions with rugged terrain, such as the Codru Plateau and the Dniester Plateau. Small shares, 12%, are also occupied by grassland (pastures, meadows). Wetland ecosystems are located only in the Dniester river floodplain. Wetlands are home to a large number of rare or endangered species of plants and animals, those included in the Red Book of the Republic of Moldova.

A significant impact on the environment of the Dniester river basin is caused by massive water pollution. The main sources are the point - settlements, industrial enterprises, etc. - as well as those diffuse - surface runoff from arable territories. The quality class of the most part of the rivers in the basin is 5 - highly polluted water. Even the water of the Dniester falls within the limits of the 2nd and 3rd quality classes, being moderately polluted water, and according to microbiological indicators, it is often highly polluted (classes 4 and 5).

“As members of Working Group on the Dniester river basin Planning and Management of the Dniester Commission, we come with a message to raise the awareness of civil society about those issues that are faced by the country's main river and a call to take urgent measures, regardless job, salary, age, occupation, place of residence in order to improve the state of the basin,” was the expert’s message.

The Dniester is the main river artery of our country, the main water resource, the main recreation area. In the limits of the country, the length of the river is approx. 490 km, to which the 142.5 km are added being the border between the Republic of Moldova and Ukraine. The main tributaries are the Raut, Bic, and Botna. Their water resources are small and have little economic value.