
The Detention of the Pro TV Chisinau employee unfolds a tendency of the communist government to take mass-media under control – PSD


The Party of Social Democracy (PSD) has expressed its concern regarding the new attacks of the communist government against the freedom of expression and the mass-media, which refuses to incorporate itself in the brain laundering machinery put in practice by the governing party. According to a declaration of the formation, the detention of the advertising manager of Pro TV, according to a script also applied in other cases of mass-media not controlled by the government, unfolds a tendency of the communist government to take the means of mass information under rigid control. The set up with the implication of pressure instruments of the current regime shows a misunderstanding of the constitutional principles and of the international engagements taken by the government regarding the ensuring of the freedom of expression and the development of independent mass-media. According to the cited source, any attempt of the means of mass information to impartially analyze the actions of the authorities or to initiate independent investigations regarding the violation of human rights in the R. Moldova is harshly sanctioned by the current regime through the implication of subdued force organs which are trained to perform propagandistic actions for the governing party. This fact is confirmed by the attacks of the government on the following publications: „Accente”, „Kommersant Moldovy”, „Timpul”, „Moldavskie Vedomosti”; and on the following broadcast institutions: „Euro TV Chisinau”, „Antena C”, „Vocea Basarabiei”, „Pervyi Kanal” etc., is also mentioned in the declaration. PSD draws attention to the lack of solidarity in the journalistic environment and calls upon the journalists from all the means of mass information to defend their constitutional right regarding the ensuring of the freedom of expression and the unconstrained carrying out of professional activity. In the context of an ever increasing oppression of the freedom of expression, PDS considers that the derogations of the communist regime from the democratic principles need to be harshly sanctioned by the civil society, and the mass-media should take a leading role in this activity. The Party of Social Democracy in Moldova will notify the European and international bodies, the organizations for the promotion of the freedom of expression and the external political partners about the attacks committed by the communist government on the freedom of speech and free mass-media, the declaration concludes.