
The annual ordinary geneRal meeting of shareholders of CB “Mobiasbanca – Groupe Société Générale” S.A.


Press Release


30 April 2015

Was held the annual ordinary general meeting of shareholders of CB “Mobiasbanca – Groupe Société GénéRale” S.A.

On 30 April 2015 it was hold the Annual Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of CB “Mobiasbanca - Groupe Société Générale” S.A., during which were examined 13 issues of importance both for the shareholders and the Bank.

During the Meeting there were presented the activity report of the Supervisory Board, Executive Body and the Censor Commission for 2014, also there were established the Bank’s priority directions and orientations in 2015. Bank’s objectives for the previous year were fulfilled and Bank continues its ascending trend of development. The Bank succeeded to expand the client base, to raise the net banking income and improve the operational efficiency.

Also due to commercial efforts, the major financial indicators of CB “Mobiasbanca- Groupe Société Générale” S.A., where positively evaluated in 2014: the number of active clients increased by approximately 11%, also the total Bank’s assets raised by approximately 30%. The credit portfolio registered favorable expansion by 24%, both for individuals and corporate clients. The deposits portfolio raised by 39% compare to the previous year. The general evolution of the efficiency indicators was ascendant. The net banking income increase by 17%, at the same time the expenses increase only by 5,5%. The Net profit raised by 43% compare to previous year (over 102 mil. MDL), that leads to increase of the capital profitability.

With reference to Banks Priorities and orientation for 2015, Mr. Ridha Tekaia, President of the Bank mentioned that even in the conditions of unfavorable international pressings over the investment climate and the uncertainty in economic and political evolution of Moldova, Bank will continue in 2015 to focus on commercial program and operational efficiency.

The Shareholder meeting approved the new nominal composition of the Supervisory Board, for a 4 year term, as follows: Didier Colin, Valdas Vitkauskas, Slaveyko Slaveykov, Wolfgang Lerke, Karine Destre-Bohn, Mihail Lisu, Rodica Hincu. Also the shareholders modified the Corporate Governance Structure related to transformation of unipersonal executive body into the collegial one and formation of the Management Board. These modifications will contribute to the efficiency of Corporate Governance of the Bank.

In the current year, the bank shareholders will receive dividends in the amount of 3,03 MDL per share, being in total 30,2 mln. MDL or 29,8% of the net profit. The value of the dividends increased by 37% comparing to the previous year. The General Meeting of the Shareholders decided that the profit remained after payment of the dividends to be registered to the “Undistributed Profit” account, for sustaining the Bank in the complex economic environment and enabling CB “Mobiasbanca - Groupe Société Générale” S.A. to pursue its growth.

At the end, Mr. Nicolae Dorin, Vice-President of the Bank has informed the shareholders about the intention to withdraw from the bank administration at the end of July 2015. The shareholders have specially appreciated the authority and personal contribution of Mr. Dorin to the development of the Bank and warmly thanked him for the common achievements.

The Executive of the Bank