
Territorial organizations of AMN leaving the alliance


Several territorial organizations of the “Moldova Noastra” Alliance (AMN) decided to leave the party and their leaders declared that they resign from AMN. The declaration was made on Thursday, October 12 as part of a news conference by the chairmen of two territorial organizations from Chisinau – Centru, Octavian Grama and Rascani, Simion Plesca, Info-Prim Neo informs. The choice of the two organizations was supported by the deputy -chairman of the youth national organization of AMN, Dumitru Jioara and by the chairman of the youth organization of the Centru district of the capital, Nighina Azizov. They declared that their choice was caused by the decision of the AMN Republican Council on „excluding some important figures from the party - Vitalia Pavlicenco and Anatol Taranu”, who, as the cited sources assert, „revealed the true political essence of the current leaders of the formation – Urecheanu and Untila”. Octavian Grama declared that, under the control of Urecheanu, AMN transformed from the main opposition force of the Parliament into an anemic structure, incapable to dispose of the communists who sentence the population to poverty and isolation from the civilized world. Simion Plesca announced his intention of re-launching a party of liberal orientation – the National Liberal Party. The initiative group which proposes the creation of the party includes MPs recently dismissed from the Republic’s Council of AMN. Plesca also mentioned that he approves the initiative of PSL of creating an expanded liberal formation which would include several political formations from the parliament as well as extra-parliamentary organizations, including the liberal wing of AMN. At the beginning of the conference the prime deputy head of the municipal organization of AMN, MP Leonid Bujor, declared that this conference is organized on illegal basis and that the declarations that would follow are false. On September 26, the National political council of AMN excluded the MPs Vitalia Pavlicenco and Anatol Taranu from the faction “for the infringement of the decisions taken by the collective structures of the party, through their participation in destructive actions against AMN, aiming to create a new political formation of liberal orientation.” Later, other 2 members – Anatol Vidrascu and Mircea Rusu – left the formation.