
Territorial Development Agency has been left without leadership


The deputy head of the Agency for Construction and Territorial Development (ACDT), Anatolie Izbanda, has been dismissed two days after the resignation of his superior, ACDT chief Igor Semenovker. This decision was taken yesterday by the Supreme Security Council (CSS) of the President’s Office. In addition, CSS requested the relevant bodies to investigate the abuses and misconduct at ACDT in the process of implementing the project concerning water supply to some localities in the country. President Vladimir Voronin, who chaired the CSS meeting, expressed his disapproval of the ways in which the ACDT leadership managed and supervised the implementation of that project. Besides, it was ascertained that the poor management has pushed the project behind the schedule. The examination of the water supply project took place two days after ACDT chief Igor Semenovker announced his resignation on July 18. Semenovker said he resigned from office because he moved to another job. Until a new ACDT chief is appointed, Anatol Turcanu, the other deputy head of the Agency, is to temporarily assume the office. The 80 million lei project on the water supply system improvement in six localities in Moldova is financed by the Kuwait Fund for Economic Arab Development.