
Termoelectrica urges building managers to adjust temperature


Termoelectrica is calling on the building managers to regulate the temperature in residential buildings, given the high temperatures during this period. One of the company's explanations is to avoid excessive consumption of thermal energy, IPN reports.

If residents notice overheated radiators, the institution recommends that they request intervention from the building manager or, if necessary, the assistance of Termoelectrica staff to adjust thermal energy consumption.

Termoelectrica supplies thermal energy in accordance with the applicable legislation, up to the building's connection point. The regulation of thermal energy consumption within the building's internal system is the responsibility of the building administrator.

In this context, Termoelectrica informs that it strictly follows the heating agent temperature schedule from the production source, in compliance with the Regulation on Quality Indicators, approved by ANRE, to ensure the comfort of the residents. At the same time, the regulation must also be performed at the building's connection point, Termoelectrica emphasizes.