
“Termoelectrica” provides details about heat bills for February


SA “Termoelectrica” said the temperature of the heat supplied to end users is regulated at production sources depending on the outside air temperature, according to a schedule approved by the Ministry of Economy and Infrastructure. The heat supplier provided details in connection with reports that the heat bills for February could be too high or even equal to those for January, IPN reports.

The Chisinau supplier said that it daily monitors the outside air temperatures. If they rise, the temperature of heat in the network is reduced and is corrected once in 24 hours so as to maintain the heat comfort in apartments. All the apartment buildings have modern meters outfitted with electronic archive that register the consumed quantities daily and monthly and have a memory of two years. Each dweller can read the data and monitor daily consumption through the housing stock manager.

“Termoelectrica” noted that it designed and put into operation a new system for monitoring the consumption of heat. This enables to identify and swiftly intervene in the case of apartment buildings with high consumption. As a result of the taken measures and of the active participation of involved factors, most of the consumers received much lower heat bills for February compared with January, by 20-50% lower.

Furthermore, a number of factors influence the consumption of heat for heating apartment buildings, such as the thermal insulation of the components of the intra-block heating system, thermal insulation of the building and changes made to the intra-block heating system. Therefore, the heat bills vary from building to building.

Among other factors that influenced the lower consumption of heat were the invoicing period that was of 27.7 days in February, as opposed to 33.7 days in January, and the outside air temperature that was by 2.9 degrees Celsius on average higher than in January.