
Termoelectrica modernizes pumping station No. 5 of Chisinau


SA Termoelectrica intends to modernize pumping station No. 5 located in the Botanica district of Chisinau, which supplies heat to over 30,000 citizens in the southern part of Chisinau municipality. The company said that given the complexity of the works, the supply of hot water to consumers leaving on the streets Dacia, Zelinski, Independentei, Teilor, H. Botev, Decebal and Cuza Voda will be stopped between 9am on July 16 and 5pm on July 21, IPN reports.

In a press release, the heat supplier says the works include the replacement of a series of important pieces of equipment, such as frequency convertors, two modern electrical pumps and five efficient valves.

Termoelectrica director general Veaceslav Eni said the current equipment used by pumping station No. 5 is old and unsafe. Many devices have continuously worked for over 40 years, since the station was put into operation.

“The modernization measures will eliminate the given risks and will ensure the feasibility of the heat supply in the Botanica district and in the Telecentru quarter of the Centru district” stated Veaceslav Eni. He added the reliability of the system will also increase and the number of disconnections caused by hydraulic shocks will diminish.

The project forms part of the Investment Plan for 2018 and is aimed at implementing an automated control system for ensuring the quality parameters and increasing the reliability of the heat and hot water supply system.